Bolts of Fiction Book Reading and Interview with Janet Hudgins, January 29th, 2004
Susan Dobbie, author of When Eagles Call, appeared on "Armchair Chats" with moderator Janet Hudgins. Bolts of Fiction hosts the Armchair Chats at ETCETERA, ETCETERA (the lounge and stage room of "Cheesecake Etcetera" on Granville at 6th Avenue in Vancouver, BC) to showcase local writers.
Moderator Janet Hudgins states, "I think it will be good exposure for writers, and with an easy format -- interview, reading, questions -- set in a comfortable room, complete with fireplace and in a good location."
Bolts of Fiction calendar information can be obtained by contacting John Frem at (604) 254-0355 or email: Soon to be up and running is their website,